Wednesday, November 20, 2019

KRTX 105$

Learning form my mistake yesterday, I shorted KRTX on first red day at a spike on open

Got a good average of 124, covered early afternoon at 104 as it wont crack 100$

$MYOV -120$

A low floater had just spiked several hundred percent yesterday and I jumped on the next spiker PM

It had spiked from 6 to 10 and pulled back, it looked like it going to break down, so I had a short order at 9.6, it not only spiked to 9.6 but when to `10 and all the way to 10.6 and I ended up cutting it. Lost 120 dollars in 9 minutes. 

Lesson learned, never short first green day, in a hot market, premarket

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

$FPAY Trade -45

Market opened at it immediately dipped, bough it for a pop, pop was only 5 cents, it immediately tanked, I added, couldnt break even on the next smallar pop and sold after a big spike down.
Took a $45 dollar loss

Take home points:
It was tanking and doing down stair stepper before the market opened

Market is weak and that's what the stock have been doing lately

Should have shorted in instead of going long

Should have waited for a pattern to form before buying it. Down stair stepper is the most lethal pattern for the longs. the moment you think its going to perk up and take off, it immediately tanks down

Monday, November 4, 2019

CEI Trade -84

It was up premarket but overall in a downtrend. Dipped at open but I didnt buy until it spiked into resistance. Thinking its going to breakout. I bought 100 shares at 9:33AM, it tanked I added 100 more until I was down 10% on my position at that time I panicked and hit the sell button


 Its thanksgiving week and low floats  are running. I shorted gap down on $GTEC in the morning and made some money on it. The mistake I made...